
  • Complete chemistry control, including clinical chemistry analytes, lipids, enzymes, proteins, hormones, cardiac markers and therapeutic drugs
  • Also includes bicarbonate
  • Contains more than 95 % human serum with no preservatives or stabilizers added
  • Product documentation with assayed value list for more than 60 analytes including genuine lipids, proteins (e.g. CRP, Apo A1 and Apo B) and therapeutic drugs
  • Available in 3 clinically relevant levels. Each level available separately
  • Liquid material - no need for reconstitution, eliminates potential handling errors and is ready for use immediately after thawing

Order information

Art no Product Kit size
201915 Autonorm Clin Chem Liq L-1 12x5 mL Send inquiry
202115 Autonorm Clin Chem Liq L-2 12x5 mL Send inquiry
202215 Autonorm Clin Chem Liq L-3 12x5 mL Send inquiry


α1-acid-glycoprotein α1-antitrypsin α2-macroglobulin ALAT Albumin ALP Amikacin Amylase, pancreas Amylase, total Apolipoprotein A1 Apolipoprotein B ASAT ASO Bicarbonate Bile Acid Bilirubin, direct Bilirubin, total C3c C4 Calcium Carbamazepine Ceruloplasmin Chloride Cholesterol, HDL Cholesterol, LDL Cholesterol, total Cholinesterase CK CK-MB Copper Creatinine CRP Digoxin Ethanol Ferritin Gentamycine GGT Glucose Haptoglobin IgA IgG IgM Iron Kappa free light chains * Kappa/Lambda ratio * Lactate Lambda free light chains * LDH Lipase Lithium Magnesium Methotrexate Osmolality Paracetamol Phenobarbitone Phenytoin Phosphorus Potassium Prealbumin Protein, total Quinidine Salicylate Sodium Theophylline TIBC Tobramycin Transferrin Triglycerides UIBC Urea Urea Nitrogen Uric Acid Valproic acid Vancomycin Zinc

Refer to the package insert of currently available lots for specific analyte and stability claims.

* Present in Autonorm™ Clin Chem Liq L-2 and L-3


  • 2,5 years stability when stored at ≤ - 20 °C (with a few exceptions)
  • Opened vials (with a few exceptions):
    1 month at ≤ - 20 °C when refrozen within 30 minutes
    14 days at 2-8 °C


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